Bringing a house to life is a very meaningful process, as it translates a little of what someone loves, has built or lives in.

How it works

To create a textile portrait of a house, I'll need to receive good-resolution photos of it. It's also nice to keep in mind and send me all the details that are important to you. Perhaps an apple tree in the backyard? A flower vase made by grandma that sits near the door? I will love to know about any object that makes your place unique.

When you contact me, we will chat and plan all the details of your portrait, including the size, which can be customized to what suits you best. To get an idea of ​​prices & sizes, little houses (13x20 cm) cost 460 SEK and bigger ones (27x27 cm) cost 895 SEK. Please note that shipping is made throughout Europe and these values ​​are in Swedish krona.

Creating house portraits gives me lots of joy and It will be an honor to create one for you! I'll gladly provide you a quote or answer any questions related to it at Hope to see you soon!